Fee Defaulter summary for all quarters/months - Complete Unpaid Invoice summary with deep drill-down feature on a single click, Fees Concession summary with quick access to details.
Principal’s or Admin Dash Board
Single point access to all major information of the school like Class wise strength along with attendance %, total students’ strength and change over the previous count, total teacher’s strength, teachers on leave ,total fee collection for the day.
Chairmans Dashboard
- Rich, informative and userful compilation of most important metrics of the school.
- Student Count - Reconciliation, daily admissions, TC and Net Increase in student strength in School.
- Operational Key data - Teacher's On Leave, Upcoming Exams & ECA Activity & Daily Student Attendance.
- Summary of homework & study materlas assigned to students on daily basis with complete drill-down.
- Key daily performance parameters like Enquiries, lead Generation, Registration & Admissions.
- Fee Defaulter summary for all quarters/months - Complete Unpaid Invoice summary with deep drill-down feature on a single click, Fees Concession summary with quick access to details.
- Quick Access to Notices posted in school, Pics of events in the school and quick links to key MIS reports that can be customized as per the user.

Fee Management
Fee Dashboard
Fee related information like Daily collections, Fee Due list, Concessions, Scholarships, discount etc. accessed in a single click on an intuitive dashboard. Micro-detailing available in deep drill down in sequential clicks.
Fee Management
Schools can customize fee components, frequency & plans.
Tally Compliant & Integrated
All our Fee modules can be integrated with the accounting software 'Tally" through XML files generated by our system.
Admin Platform - Easy Collection of Pending fees across sessions through Single Unified window:
For Ease of fees Collection for School Admin, we have developed a function to show all pending invoices of previous academic sessions in the Current session UI.
- As a result, the school admin doesn't have to toggle between the academic sessions to check the previous pending due.
- All the invoices are presented on the same screen, and importantly, they can be directly settled from the current session itself.
- To maintain distinct accounts of both academic sessions separately, we have ensured that the previous session invoice is settled in the database of the previous session.
This Functionality adds tremendous convenience to the admin, especially during fee collection. It saves time by obviating the need to toggle between the sessions to check the pending fees for the parent.
Parent's App - Single Unified window in the SchoolBellQ* App for Payment of Pending fees across sessions:
With the new Functionality for the Fees in the parent's app, now the parents will find it satisfying as;
- They can now conveniently view all pending invoices in their Fee payment section in the app in the current session (2021-22).
- The invoices of the previous academic sessions (2020-21) will also be visible on the same screen.
- They can view and pay all pending invoices from both the sessions (2020-21 & 2021-22) on the same screen.
This feature facilitates parents in assessing their previous session dues conveniently and clearing them.

Discount & Online approval Functionality for Admission Fees payment:
Based on the School's process flow, we had already developed the Functionality whereby:
- The admission counsellors can assign fee plans at the time of admission.
- The admissions counsellors can seek discount approval from the principal (or any other authorised personnel) online or offline.
- And upon approval from the principal, it automatically sends the discounted invoice to the parents online for payment.
This process has been working smoothly and is already integrated into multiple Schools for quite some time.
Deferral or Partial Payment Online for Admission Fees:
The above process illustrated for most parents may not be viable for few parents with difficult current financial situations owing to the COVID battered economy:
- Being the specific requirement of allowing users to make the part payment towards the admission fees, we have developed a different functionality that enables the School to generate the invoice for partial amounts that can be paid online & offline both.
- The invoices can be generated and settled both online and offline.
This feature will allow the School to collect the part-payment towards the admissions online, especially helpful during the pandemic, thus locking in a larger number of admissions.
Exhaustive Reports
Fee Notifications
Customized Fee notifications sent to parents with details like child name, fee amount, admission number, due date - can be sent AFTER of BEFORE DUE Date.
Multitude of reports for internal requirement and external statutory compliance are readily available.
Reporting & MIS
Multitude of Reports like student-wise, Route-wise, Bus-wise or Bus Related details or charging summary for the route assigned can be extracted to
- Online Fee integration with school account
- Regular reconciliation report for fee payment
- Customized fee notification
- Tally integration

Student Management
This module empowers teachers and other users to manage students the information.
Including Personal details
Manage Student's personal like the name, Birthdate, Blood group, Info on the parents, their occupation, address, etc., and the profile pictures for students.
School-related info
Access and update school info for any student like admission & roll number, RFID card details, transport, schoolhouse, shift, class, section etc.
Academic Info
Manage critical function like assigning subjects -compulsory & optional- which can be set in this section by the class teacher .
Update Profile links:
Functionality to send links to parents to update their data points like pictures, addresses and other important personal details to keep the data as current and updated as possible .
Individual Parent communication
Functionality to send details like passwords & account login for the web & school apps, adding, modifying emails & mobile numbers.
Manage Student Status
like active, in-active, TC issued etc.
Manage student Anecdotes:
- This functionality helps chronicle the child's school life by recording significant events and observations about a student through a teacher's perspective. These anecdotes constitute the input for the Student Analytics Report.
- Entire Student Data available in a class wise format along with student pic, details of Transfer, Character and Bonafide Certificate can be generated instantly.

Generate Documents:
Issue TC, Bonafide/Character certificates etc
We encourage schools to add More customised formats based on the school's workflow.
Birthday Notifications:
A feature designed to provide manual & auto-notifications for birthdays to students, which can also be pre-scheduled and customised by student name .
Student data with custom field selection through excel & PDF etc.

Notification Channels:
The notifications are fired through all three channels, namely SMS, Email & App Notifications.
Notification Category:
Based on the notification channel deployed, there are three categories of Notifications:
- Regular Notifications: Channels deployed - App Notifications & Emails.
- Important Notifications: Channels deployed - App Notifications & Emails & SMS. (Text message is triggered when the recipient doesn't open the app notification in a threshold time. The threshold time is admin user-determined and helps conserve SMS by sending only to recipients who haven't opened app notification even after the lapse of the threshold time.)
- Extreme Urgent Notifications: All three channels are deployed simultaneously (App, Emails & SMS)
Delivery Report:
Delivery Report for all the above 3 channels can be made available to the admin users.
Single Click Trigger:
A single Click can fire the notifications through all three channels instantly.

Auto-generated notifications:
The template with customizable fields for routine activities like Fees Invoice generation, Fee Payment Receipt Notifications Or Daily attendance notifications is auto-generated etc.
The users can determine the notifications channel in the settings.
Custom Notifications:
Admin can send customized notification content to their parents across the communication channels.
The admin can determine the notifications channel in the settings.
Auto Alerts for circular publishing:
- Publishing Circular generates auto-notifications alerts informing recipient users about the publication.
- The admin also has the choice to disable auto alerts in the settings.
Manual Publishing:
The admin has to click publish manually for the circulars to be posted and visible to all parents and stakeholders.
Scheduled Publishing:
- The admin can pre-determine the time for publishing, and the circular publication is auto executed at the pre-scheduled time.
- The publishing can be with or without auto alerts depending upon the admin user-defined settings
Multiple Circular Media Type Support:
Circulars Support multiple formats like Word, PDF, Image (JPEG, PNG and other image types), video links etc. The school can choose any format to upload in the circular and publish.
Read-Receipt Feature:
The read-notifications are essentially the acknowledgement of the messages or circulars that are read or opened. The system provides reports on various users read receipt status.

Unpublish feature:
- One of the technology's key advantages is that it enables us to recant or retract a circular published carrying some inadvertent errors.
- TThe circular unpublishing feature will delete the circular from the parent's view in the app. There are no time restrictions for unpublishing the circular.
Whatsapp Notification:
Integration with WhatsApp is also technically established and follows different commercials as charged by WhatsApp based on the usage.

Happiness Help Desk
Our Happiness Help-desk delivers a structured framework through our software module to capture, report, and resolve these issues effectively and efficiently.
- Typical issues include some clarification of Fees Invoices (Fee department) or Changes in the school bus pick-up point (Transport Department), ERP password issue (ERP department) or address update (Admin Department) or student medical leave(Academic Department - Class Teacher) etc.
- All these issues can be resolved efficiently provided they are reported to the concerned departments on time. Our Happiness Help-desk delivers a structured framework through our software module to capture, report, and resolve these issues effectively and efficiently.
The parent can choose departments they seek intervention or support from by checking relevant boxes. The parent can assign a topic and describe the issue in detail.
Relevant Stakeholders Realtime access:
This feature ensures that the relevant stakeholders or department heads in real-time access the issues raised and respond quickly through required intervention.
Action Taken Report:
This report helps the school administration track the relevant departments that responded to the issues raised and the resolution provided.
Time-bound response & Escalation Matrix:
The timestamp and the logs help assess the time taken against each issue. The users can set an escalation matrix for the issues remaining unresolved even after the stipulated time.

Analytics for Issues raised:
The overall summary report helps the school authorities identify the broad patterns of the reported issues and take policy-level intervention to take steps to pre-empt the problems proactively.
Higher Satisfaction Scores:
Schools using Parent concern or happiness helpdesk have reported higher satisfaction amongst the parents and better fee compliance.
Student Documents:
Our system supports document generation, storing and retrieval of documents across the academic years.
Issued Documents: TC, Bonafide certificate, Report Cards etc
Received Documents: Birth Certificate, Aadhar & incoming TC, and other documents can be conveniently uploaded and stored at the time of admissions.

Incident Management
A reporting tool for school authorities to record, report and intimate authorities of all incidents taking place in the college or outside involving students.

Library Management
Library Management
Comprehensive Library management module with intuitive and easy to use UI with no limit on the fields & books to be uploaded along with auto-FINE calculation and integration with main fees.

Transport Management

Transport Management
A holistic transport management module encompassing Bus, Fleet, Route and corresponding fees linked to the students.
Bus Management
Complete details if the Bus including Driver details, Photo, contact details ad GPS Id etc with assigned route to ply
Route Planning
Bus Routes can be composed by assigning multiple stops. Same bus stop can be present in multiple routes incase of overload. Routes can be planned for the stops in any manner to allow traffic flow. Route staff like driver, helper & Guard can be allocated.
Route Stop Management
Bus stops with the GPS location with precise lat-long and distances can be defined on the route and financial charges be assigned.
Route & Stop Allocation with financial linking
The routes and stops are assigned to students based on the stops and timing and fee charged based on pick-up and drop separately allowing more flexibility. The route assignments here is linked with the Main Fee plan and is automatically invoiced.
Visitor management
An online interface that allows parents/visitors visiting campus to submit quick feedback that flows to management through mals and excel reports, SMS integrated to Welcome Visitors.
VisitorQ is a complete visitor management solution,features with :
Capture & verify incoming visitor photograph
Accurate & Complete Records
OTP based authentication
Building & Syncing of database of visitors
Optional Approval from the visited person
Storage & Retrieval of Records

Gate pass
Student security remains one of the most vital areas of focus, and we have double ensured everything in this department.
Student exit from the school is heavily scrutinized when the student departs at times other than the school closing.
Verification of Visitor seeking student custody:
The visitor receiving the student has to verify his credentials through our visitor management system, and his mobile number is OTP verified. Our systems ensure that the picture is captured even for a parent visitor.
OTP verification on Registered mobile number:
The Gate pass is generated after OTP verification on the parent's registered mobile number, thus ensuring parent consent. Further, the message informing the student's gate pass generation is delivered to all the registered mobile numbers and emails. Parents are advised to report if the Gate-pass request was not in their knowledge, thus alerting the parents.
Students are allowed to leave the school premises only after a valid gate pass duly signed by the visitor upon his complete verification.
Purposeful tweaks to enhance the security:
The gate pass generation lags the delivery of the message to the parents by at least 5 minutes to allow reaction time for the parents to respond in case of any fraudulent or unauthorized suspicious activity.

Discipline Management
- The discipline management module helps to maintain discipline and run a school with a good and productive atmosphere.
- It enables teachers and other school staff to track students behaviour And notify parents about any indiscipline by their children in this school premises.
- This module assist to monitor and maintain student Disciplinary Record in a secure and cost-effective manner.
- It generates feedback reports on students behaviour in school and Review students indisciplined incidents to parents via SMS and email notifications.

Hostel Management
- Hostel management system is responsible for administering the hostel’s different activities.
- It deals with student information, room assignment, admission cancellation, monthly rent, and staff information, among other things.
- It is possible to provide authorities and hostel wardens access to this hostel management system to provide the most efficient and beneficial management of the whole inn.
- Students leave the hostel at what time and return at what time, every little detail may be recorded in this module, making it easy to find information on a certain student or period when needed.
- With our student hostel management system module, it is possible to keep tabs on every element of the functioning of this, including hostel management.
- Reduce the amount of physical labor and paperwork Automated reservation of hostel rooms Automated fee collecting It saves a significant amount of time
- This department is in charge of allocating rooms to each student accepted into the hostel. In large hostels, manual assignment is quite tough. This is where the significance of this module is revealed.
- This module serves as an attendance register book for the hostel. Attendance and reporting are required daily in hostels to ensure the safety of the students. Manually documenting daily attendance is a time-consuming and exhausting operation that requires a significant amount of time. This feature is beneficial to the hostel administration.
This serves as an attendance register book for the hostel. Attendance and reporting are required daily in hostels to ensure the safety of the students. Manually documenting daily attendance is a time-consuming and exhausting operation that requires a significant amount of time. This feature is beneficial to the hostel administration.